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NATA Study Material 2025
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Buy Complete Bundle of 15 E-Books (PDFs) for NATA / JEE-2
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NATA Self -Study Material 2025
- Architecture Aptitude E-Book
2. Building Material E-Book
3. Visualising 2D & 3D Objects E-Book
4. Spatial Ability & Abstract Reasoning
5. Design Theory E-Book
6. Color Theory E-Book
7. Art and Paintings E-Book
8. NATA Mathematics E-Book
9. NATA Past Question Papers E-Book
10. JEE-2 Past Question Paper E-Book
11. NATA / JEE- 2 Question Bank E-Book
12. NATA General Aptitude E-Book
13. G.K & Current Affair E-Book
14. NATA Reasoning E-Book
15. NATA Verbal Ability E-Book

Designed by Professional Experts for NATA / JEE2
NATA PLUS is a group of highly dedicated professionals seeking ultimate success to every student. We are providing all notes which are helpful in the preparation of NATA exam. The notes are designed by a group of expert under guidance of professional Architects & experts keeping in mind the valitaile nature of NATA exam Patterns. All the NATA & JEE2 notes are tailored according to latest Question papers. we are trying to make every student self-sufficient by providing maximum NATA study material.
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Reviews Of NATA study material. one of the best self study material for NATA/JEE-2 2024
Total NATA PDFs covers all possible topics for NATA. It covers all the basic concepts of nata in a systematic manner. I am happy that I purchased total set of 24 E-books(PDFs).
Shankar Wagh
NATA -JEE-2 Study Material
I have been using these E-BOOKS for Nata and JEE-2 exam preparation and I am very impressed with how easy it is to learn and understand. basically these study material is huge compilation of all possible topics for NATA
Shraddha Parkale
NATA -JEE-2 Study Material
As NATA syllabus is not fixed, Atleast I have a over view of exact questions that can be asked for NATA 2023. I am glad that I chose this material to help me prepare for the exam.
NATA -JEE-2 Study Material
I have purchased almost all possible notes & study material across India in print and non printed formate but This is the Best NATA Study Material I have ever used. I am preparing for my 2nd attempt in Nata and Jee-2 and this material is helping me a lot.
Tanay Bodhe
NATA -JEE-2 Study Material

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